Ohhhh the Creative phase. This phase is the one that is often labelled as ‘PMS’. This is your cycle’s Autumn time!
It could be beautiful and sunny one day and raining and stormy the next, you never know. Or you could experience 4 seasons in one day and wonder what happened to the girl you knew who was having so much light-hearted fun in the Expressive phase.
This time can be horrible and crazy and emotional but it also can be deeply connected and wonderful. It is full of creative energy, brain exploding philosophies and intense ideas and feelings.
You could experience general feelings of resistance, wildness, a need for escape, hating cities and wanting the wilderness. Needing space, but needing support, company and love, but really needing that space. Everything all at once! It can be so confusing!
This is a time of increased intelligence and awareness for me. There is a very clear click over point from the Expressive phase of light, happy, fun and surface level. A point where I feel a bit girly and airy and become very aware of it. All of a sudden WHOOOSH I wake up in the broody moody, intensely feely, endlessly thinking Creative magic.
I can feel and hear what my unconscious is doing more clearly. Not only that, I can hear what everything else is doing. I can feel the buzzing of the city, I can feel noise, I can feel energy much more clearly. There is an increased sensitivity all round. My discernment for life is crazy, it is like all of a sudden there is a sublime clarity as I submerge into the ocean of what lies beneath in my own consciousness. I become very witchy and crafty and creative and powerful, ooo it’s so fun! But as well as the emotional and sensitive, the grumpy, frustrated and pissed off, there is a softness and passionate wildness that wants to play. A yearning for balance and connection to the deeper worlds.
The Creative phase can be a challenging one for many, especially if there isn’t an awareness of what is happening in your cycle on all levels. It can creep up on us like a stranger in the dark. It was a time when I thought I was losing my mind! I was depressed, emotional, feeling like I was going to spontaneously combust at any point. My being was telling me something and I didn’t have a compass to navigate my shadow that wasn’t another thing I needed to learn or a workshop I had to go to.
Sometimes in this phase women can experience feeling the weight and pain of the world and a culmination of life experience (even past lives). We are more closely connected to the collective pain body, which is more easily accessed by this phase because of our sensitivity. This can be a very challenging time with and with no compass, it can be disruptive in our inner and outer worlds.
In this time we have the ability to face things that aren’t authentic for us, and if we don’t the phase and it’s impacts may be drawn out or repeat themselves monthly, over and over until we resolve what our being is trying to communicate to us. This could be an emotional pattern, a health issue that is repeated or increased in this time, frustration and feelings of a deeper sadness and so on. We have the ability to use our cycles as our own personalised self development tool. And it’s free.
I believe that where we are emotionally effects our cycles very deeply, and vice versa. If you are resisting one phase it will most likely stick around until you face it and its lessons it has for you. Particularly the Creative phase, she has the tendency to keep slapping you in the face with all of her fury until your figure it out and start listening.
The creative phase drops deeper and deeper as estrogen level get lower and lower. Physically in the body, if the one tiny egg is fertilised after ovulation in Dynamic/Expressive, this is when life kicks into full swing in creating, from the depths of the womb, a human being! Also our levels of Dimethyltryptamine (DMT – a psychedelic compound naturally occurring in our bodies in the Pineal gland) is quite high at this point, hence the creativity and ability for big sky thinking.
Now that I have a compass, it is one of my favourite and most powerful phases. It is where I birth a lot of my ideas and get really crazy creative. Whatever comes up for me during this time is journaled or taken note of to reflect on and let go of in the Reflective phase as my cycle starts once again.
– Excitement led creativity
– Manifesting goals and dreams
– Communicating from the heart
– Recognising synchronicities and hidden opportunities
– Magically pulling ideas out of nowhere
– Critical analysis and identification of problems
– Intuitively understanding complex theories
– Intuiting core patterns behind details
– Clearing out emotional baggage
– Putting deep intention into tasks or projects that inspire you
– Gauging authenticity, feeling energy
– Tidying, making space for new order
Can be challenging for:
– Expectations of emotional stability
– Major decision making
– Facing the truth of a situation that isn’t serving you
– Mood swings, irritability, intolerance, tearfulness, frustration
– Over sensitivity
– Loss of physical stamina
– Lack of patience
– Expecting others to know how you feel

– Practicing presence, openness, love
– Understanding of the ups and downs
– Flowers and chocolate or anything nice. Sweet things!
– Emotional support/encouragement = positive growth & change
– Doing something creative and fun, support creative energies
– Going deep with concepts and brainstorming
– Using undemanding language
– Gentle adventures, colours, aesthetics, different surroundings
– Inspiration gathering
– Space to create, but still time for play
– Connect with the Magician and God archetypes
Can be challenging for:
– Arguments or confrontations
– Making major decisions together
– Dealing with sensitivity and frustration
– Physical oriented goals
– Inactivity
– Moving around too much
– Expectations and demands
– Unexpected emotional shifts
– Keeping up with ebbs and flows