The Dynamic phase moves from the inner world of reflection and transforms into get stuff done energy! It is your cycle’s Spring time.
Depending on what type of person you are and where you are at, this can be a fast or slow transition. Sometimes you can’t wait to get back at it with renewed energy, ready to go and action the things you have reflected on! And other times you might think you’ve got your energy back until you go out into the world and your sensitivity is reflected back to you. Go easy on yourself.
Dynamic, for me, sometimes starts with a few days of feeling really uncomfortable in my skin and not wanting to let go of the access to the deeper realm of reflection and stillness. Each phase requires surrendering to the next and allowing the current to guide us through life, using it to our advantage. If I had something come up and didn’t resolve what I needed to in reflection, or if I don’t have an intention for the month ahead, I can feel lost and not sure of what I want, and my new cycle can start out a bit wishy washy.
Once you transition into get stuff done energy, refreshed and renewed from quiet nourishment – things are on! This is the perfect time to start actioning whatever you have just processed through the Creative and Reflective phases. Your energy increases and you just want to DO stuff! No more thinking – doing time! It can be a very masculine phase, there’s not a lot of deep emotional sensitivity and you are goal driven.
It’s a time to tick lots of things off the to do list! Increased energy and drive -yes! A great time to start new things, new projects, new adventures, start eating better (this may have slipped in the previous phases – especially pre-menstrual… mmm chocolate), exercising more, a good clean-out and you are on the way to full steam ahead. You may not have a lot of patience for others and their tasks. You are focused on your work, life and your direction. You are laying the foundations physically for your reflections and creativity to unfold, this needs attention to build something with intention properly.
Emotionally and spiritually you may start to ‘surface out’ a bit towards the end of Dynamic. Things may not have huge depth and meaning or you may not be as emotionally sensitive like in the previous phases. The beginning of Dynamic has threads of deep thought from Reflective that you can still grab onto and start to action on, and towards the end as you move closer to the Expressive phase, the importance of those thoughts and feelings can become not so important anymore as you start to become more focused on light and joyful fun of the external world.
If you haven’t clearly discovered what you want to create, change or upgrade during your down time in Reflective, you can feel a little scattered or foggy as you move into your new cycle, with no real direction that later in the month can catch up with you.
Remember, the Reflective phase is a time for letting go and Dynamic is for actioning, if we introduce awareness around all of the energies in our cycles, we can really work with them to create a more flowing and aligned life.
– Actualising ideas!
– Starting new projects
– Independence and self reliance
– Excellent mental abilities
– Exercising or starting a new hobby
– Getting into your body
– Planning, prioritizing and doing
– Ticking things off the to do list
– Structured learning and logical thinking
– Decision making
– Confidence and positive thinking
– Accounting, taxes, numbers
– Adventuring
– Taking charge and delegating
– Organising the month ahead
Can be challenging for:
– Supporting others emotionally
– Having space to hit the ground running
– Abstract creativity and ideas
– Going with the flow
– Working at another’s pace
– Lack of inactivity or mental stimulus
– Being too much in your head
– A casual attitude
– Letting go of the reflective depth
– Getting enough sleep

– Logical tasks and problem solving
– Planning getaways and adventure
– Going on adventures!
– Supporting her, but allowing space for her to take initiative
– Using her attention to detail for planning
– Anything that requires physical stamina and strength
– Starting something new
– Straight up, to the point communication
– Doing active stuff
– Some space and then active time
– Talking about business
– King and Warrior archetypes
Can be challenging for:
– Empathetic connection
– Being in the way of actualizing ideas
– Time for intimacy
– Deep and abstract conversations
– The soft lover
– Wanting attention
– Loving romantic connection
– Receiving a lot of sexual desire
– Being bossed about
– Impatience