The Expressive phase is such a fun one. This is your cycle’s Summer time!
At the beginning of the Expressive phase is the peak of feeling our best in our cycle! What a great time to be a woman, to dress up, glow and embody our sensuality. We are on fire, stuff is happening and moving, we have lots of energy, we want to connect with people, we feel very womanly and sensual and sexy. We love everyone. We want to help people. We are not so emotional and up and down and usually abandon any deeper personal development work because we feel GREAT and don’t need all of these commitments holding us down! And work, who wants to work so much? We seem to have endless amounts of energy, we can work all day and party into the evenings. We want to be free and sexy and open, and most of all have fun, life is all about joy and fun right?
The point between the end of Dynamic and the beginning of Expressive is ovulation time. The big ‘O’, for open, on fire and ohhh yes! Even our physical appearances change and our desire is ‘Wham Bam Thank you Ma’am’. We want to dance and sing and enjoy the juiciness of life! It is almost like we are on drugs, which hormonally, is kind of what is happening – well it is happening all of the time but particularly recognised here because of the natural highs we can experience.
Music is great, love is great, moving is great, life is awesome! Of course it makes sense to be at our most outward expressive selves in the world, we are ovulating, our bodies DESIRE to reproduce, we are more sexy for attracting mates and we feel at our peak, our life force is strong and ready to pass on to a little tiny egg!
After we ovulate and our egg is travelling down the Fallopian tube, Oxytocin is released into our bloodstream (known as the hormone of love), it is also released after sex and childbirth. Ovulation is also the pinnacle of estrogen release. There’s a great little video here if you want to learn more.
Usually the day after I ovulate I have a mini come down which is what I call ‘post ov depression’ and then slowly I start feeling better again as estrogen bumps up a little again, but not as high as before. Over the following few days estrogen and my mood drop a little more and then a little more and we start to flow into some rapids with the change over to the Creative phase.
One of the interesting things with cycles is that when we are in a phase, it is really hard to see it from the outside and feel what it is like to be in another. It’s a bit like the fish in the fish bowl analogy – a fish doesn’t know water because it’s experienced it it’s whole existence, it’s kind of the same with hormones and phases. When you are in one phase it can feel like you are just like that forever. When I’m feeling good and light it is hard to really connect with the feeling of dark and not very good. And when I’m feeling emotional and exploring shadow, it can be difficult to see the lightness of the opposite side of my cycle. It takes practice to remember ‘this too shall pass’, that there is constant change and transformation, nothing ever stays the same as we move through our cycles in our bodies and our lives, just like the seasons, there is constant change.
A great thing to remember and practice with Expressive is that you can be your own cheerleader, you can give yourself a pat on the back for all of your hard work and you deserve to celebrate your successes. Go out and have some fun, enjoy the juiciness of life. What a perfect way to integrate gratefulness of ourselves and own success into each month. Yeah!
– Socialising, creating connections and supportive relationships
– Joy and having fun
– Empathetic heartfelt communication
– Understanding others needs
– Feelings oriented
– Ability to feel success, gratitude and appreciation
– Flexibility, patience and gentleness
– Nest building and home-making
– Acceptance of others
– Giving and showing appreciation
– Visiting family
– Team work and group activities
– Public speaking, presentations
– Meeting new people
– Being free, loving yourself
Can be challenging for:
– Big picture thinking
– Masculine structured thinking
– Giving away all of your time
– Not meeting your own needs
– Being away from your nest
– Analysing detail and in-depth thinking
– Feelings of being too airy

– Going dancing or a fun date night
– Being social with friends and groups
– Sexy time, romance and passion
– Worshipping her beauty and positive validation
– New lingerie
– Being really manly
– Discussing feelings and relationships
– Team work
– Being cared for
– Using emotional words in communication
– Receiving massage, being loved up
– Giving and receiving intense pleasure
– Bring out the Beast achetype
– Getting things done with fun
Can be challenging for:
– Analysis and technical details
– Emotional detachment
– Independent action
– Cold, emotionless conversations
– Boring tasks
– A snugly night in (unless its sexual)
– Relationship suffocation
– Too many boundaries