The Reflective phase starts on the first day of the cycle, which is the first day of bleeding*. This is your cycle’s Winter time.
*There have been studies that show the first day can actually be several days before bleeding as the uterus sheds internally, followed by the release of blood. As every body is different, you will eventually feel this, but for now Day 1 is the first day of bleeding and the energy of reflection starts to transition your reality.
It is the time to really drop into just being. After sometimes a very emotional, tumultuous ride throughout the Creative phase, things just come to a pause, almost a relief and beautiful letting go – literally. It is a time of deep healing and feeling, of gathering knowledge and understanding of things that have come up from the deep unconscious to our consciousness. It is a time of acceptance and a slowing down to a stop. Of reflection of the past month, year or life, depending on how deep you have gone and where you want to take it.
Decisions are made in this time for me, from a really deep place of understanding. Things are resolved, and things that aren’t resolved have a chance to go through the process again. We are reminded again and again that our bodies and our cycles are communicating with us constantly.
The Reflective phase is like the pause after the out breath. It is when we are in the womb – we have access to infinite knowledge here. This is the point of creation. And although you are shedding the lining of your womb enriched with life building magic, something has still been created. The creative energy you have had in the previous phase can be reflected upon in this quiet time, from a very deep place, to really feel into if its important enough to bring into actualisation.
It is the perfect time to reflect on your life, career, projects, whatever you desire and create or change direction. It is a very powerful time that can often be branded with annoyance or frustration because we don’t have our usual energy levels. It is important to recognise we need to stop and nourish ourselves, just as you would go to sleep at night and as hibernation sets in over Winter, a deep inner time for reflection.
– Deep inner processing and reflection
– Physical restoration and renewing of energy
– Intuitively feeling the right direction or action
– Natural meditative state
– Access to subconscious ideas and information
– Deep connection to the universe
– Resting the ego
– Accepting everything that is
– Just being
– Creative imagination
– Deep level problem solving
– Connecting with yourself
– Stopping, pausing, downtime
– Pampering yourself
Can be challenging for:
– Surface level social situations
– Expectations of being focused and energized
– Lots of physical activity
– Starting new projects and juggling lots of things at once
– Structured tasks and planning
– Enthusiasm and pushing yourself
– Over-stimulation

– Cups of tea, hot water bottles and soft loving tenderness
– Cooking nurturing meals
– Chocolate, sweet stuff
– Awareness of space for deep reflection
– Taking time for yourself to do the same
– Reducing the pressure of immediate results
– Asking what is really important to her
– Asking questions that require intuitive insight, encyclopaedia
– Accepting this is a low energy week
– Soft, nurturing love. A deeply intimate time for women.
– Connection and understanding
– Giving a massage
– Bring out the Lover archetype
Can be challenging for:
– Accepting this is down time
– Masculine driven business mode
– Sticking to pre made plans that require lots of action
– Getting shit done
– Expectations and structure
– Hearing the truth from your woman
– Logical, solution-based communication
– Physical adventures