The more women I speak to, from many different cultures, the more I realise that this information NEEDS to be shared and discussed normally – in everyday conversation.
This morning I had a conversation with a Japanese woman in her early 40’s, she was thinking there was something WRONG with her because she was tired, foggy headed and just didn’t feel like doing much today. She said it happens every now and then and a normal task is just too much. She was at the beginning of her cycle, where it’s completely OK to NOT FEEL THAT GREAT. To feel like: ‘Farrrk I cant deal’.
As soon as I started talking about the different phases in the cycle and the changes that happen physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually throughout the month, her mood lifted and she asked “so i’m not crazy?”…
I am constantly astounded about and how many women don’t REALLY know their cycles, have no idea that their body is taking them through something every month and it’s not JUST PHYSICAL! It effects your ENTIRE life…
… About how this information can change peoples internal landscapes and self talk, in turn changing peoples lives – giving them a compass to navigate through the ups and downs. From the outside it seems easy, but once your in it, it can be easy to lose your way and think you are just plain f-ing crazy.
Love Your Cycle is a compass for cycles and life! Let’s share this! Share share share! Get this bloody out there x
(Illustration by Pola Lisowicz)