I have found a pattern with learning.
I take on information that I am truly passionate about and interested in well. Sometimes to the point of living through the information where it kind of starts to restrict me. Then I will swing to the complete opposite and almost unconsciously forget everything I have recently learned, reverting back to the ways before this new knowledge was discovered, usually to my surprise… I am not sure if this is a pattern of my own, or the integration process of new moving knowledge.
The integration process happens when I consciously find a middle ground, a perfect balance between knowing and not knowing that fits me as an individual. When this concept is applied to learning about my body, mind and health, on one hand it can become almost like Schrödinger’s cat. The perceived creates the reality, and the reality feeds the perceived. This has been a complicated subject for me relating to the work I am doing with Love Your Cycle. Having full knowledge and being in total awareness of my cycle – a complete analysis of what is happening each week – has actually ended up limiting me in doing things I would normally do. Simply because I am IN the information and over-thinking. Thinking about reflective phases where I NEED to reflect and creative phases where I NEED to create, has actually sometimes created the opposite!
I have been quiet recently due to a a full swing away from the knowledge I have learned around cycles. This ‘holiday’ has blurred the lines of ‘when, what and how long’, leaving me with fragments of information and a compass that only works sometimes. I had a belief that i didn’t have enough energy in some phases, that I couldn’t do creative things in other phases, and this was all effecting me on a physical level. But, my body is more intelligent than I give it credit for. The instant I get too ‘heady’ by intricately studying each ebb and flow, it surprises me with unexpected short cycles which throw my perception of where I was off completely. Teaching me that I am actually stronger than I think, that I can do all if the things I need to do, whenever I need to do them. I abandoned knowing my cycle completely, I ran free from all of the information I had absorbed and returned to the shores of being ignorant and blissfully un-aware. But not for long…
The process begins of properly integrating and finding a balance between knowing and not knowing. The mind and the body are so intricately connected, it makes me wonder how evolution and exponential information overload in this day and age has an effect on the human body now, and in the future? Will we learn with our minds to alter the body completely? Or will the body always find a way to remind us that we are human and not to venture too far from home, allowing it to catch up with our evolutionary over-thinking?
It all comes back to balance of all areas of life. The pendulum swings from one direction to the opposite, but always settles in the middle. Proper integration of information on mind, body and soul is so very important.
Oh and our cycles will tell us so too, all you have to do is listen x