✨ IT'S HERE ✨ Happy new year magical ones! I love potentiality. I love making the most of what is available to me. Which is why I created this beautiful Moon Phases and Signs calendar for 2018. It's really special to me because it marks the beginning of so much more to come. I'm not going to lie, I made it for myself, enriched with layers of magic and intention. But it's available for pre-order right now through my shop. SOMETHING MAGIC THIS WAY COMES! Stay in tune with the ... Read More
New on the horizon
I've been playing with the moon and the stars a lot lately. A few years ago I studied under celebrity astrologer Debra Silverman (who is an AMAZING astrologer BTW with bucket loads of personality, and my star mumma ❤️). That was such a ride! Since then I have been immersed and completely absorbed in the subject of Astrology, a re-emergence of something that was fascinating to me as a child. I have a thing with cycles you see. In the later years of my life it started out by recognizing ... Read More
I listened to a couple of amazing podcasts from an astrology conference today on Fertility and Astrology. And it seriously blew my socks off, it touched on what I know deep down to exist but hadn’t yet materialised and formulated yet. First off, I want to start by saying a little about Astrology. I know a large number of people still think it’s alternative woo-woo, mumbo-jumbo and an abstract art rather than a science or a legitimate treatment for all types of matters, but that’s because we ... Read More
To be 'happy' all of the time is a myth. Dark days are normal, everybody has them - even the super-hero life-coaches who claim to be the ultimate masters of self. It's part of the duality of life. Some more than others, some darker than others, it all depends on the individual. Denying these times is where the most suffering occurs. Imagine if we could go through the dark, shitty, fucked up feeling days with full humble serene acceptance? A complete surrender into our darkness and our shadowy, ... Read More
Heartwork, soul calling
My blood is the night sky, my womb the centre of the universe and my heart beats to the echoes of the planets. Look up and you will see into the depths of your soul, into the crevices of your heart and have a compass for the whisperings of life. The circle is endless, as above and so within, forever spiralling in and through, and around again. There is no difference between you and me, black and white, us and them, out there and in here. It’s a wondrous dance of energy and form, ... Read More