There are so many layers and types of cycles that impact us, it blows my mind… of course – the mind is a container. After all, everything is connected.
It can be overwhelming because one can’t possibly fully conceive the expanse of them and how they impact us. I feel like we all get glimpses and to think we know everything, or even have a grasp on knowing, is the ego itself, which can be limiting of possibilities. Right brain thinking – there is magic all around us. Left brain – how can we bring that into our reality with logical tangible results.
I personally started with the menstrual cycle as it was closer and more tangibly relatable to me. Which is why I created Love Your Cycle. Understanding the phases within the my personal cycle – and women’s cycles in general, and by bringing awareness to how to utilise and understand them for personal growth, has been phenomenal to my growth, my path and soul alignment. I never thought it would lead me to where is has.
It has been microcosmic learning of the macrocosm. Understanding one cycle in depth has helped me understand the other. We embody cyclic information as a physical being. We are in and part of larger cycles as individuals and as a collective. Like cells in a system. We need to individually thrive for the larger body to thrive and so on. We effect our cycles as they effect us, it is a beautiful constant relationship of tension and release, yin and yang, transmutation.
We are just as much part of the universe as it is part of us.
I can now see why I followed my desire to really dive in to my own cycle. A reflection of what is yet to come. Otherwise I would be floating in an overwhelming amount of information trying to make sense of it all. My cycle has my compass for here and now and beyond me into the cosmos and the infinite. My body is a doorway and my mind the yellow bricks that lead to the road of constant discovery and expansion. When will it end? It won’t. That’s the point. Creation is infinite.
Once I started feeling the edges of understanding my own cycle intimately – which really is never-ending in itself – but my thirst for knowledge and learning is endless – I started looking and expanding more into the stars. Here is an expanse of overwhelming possibility and learning. It is INFINITE, not as tangible as our personal cycles as women, but still personally relatable in an overarching broader scope of personality, ego, traits, quirks, souls, purpose and beyond.
But here there are no edges really in the cosmos, we have our conceptual definitions that have stood the test of time, and energetic imprints that shape us individually and as a species on a rock hurtling through space, but even then things are constantly changing.
To try and get a grasp of it or fully understand it is almost limiting the universe itself – it’s like trying to explain the Tao. We all have our own frameworks of trying to make sense of things, it just depends what resonates with you in this crazy thing called life.
For me the journey of cycles is taking me deeper into the stars, while grounding me in my body as a human so I can be more of service in this concept we call alignment. Why? Because it feels pretty fucking amazing to be alive and thriving, souls shining and connected.
I have approximately over 3000 weeks left until I reach the age of 90. In the grand scheme of things that is a blink. I want to have a damn good time this round!