The Dynamic phase is freakin awesome! (but so are all of the other phases in their own special ways). After having some down time, this week started off with “Holy shit. I have so much work to do. How do I get it all done AND maintain balance in my life? I will need some kind of superpower.”
Well the Dynamic phase is the SUPER POWER. It’s AWESOME! This is the time where energy is revitalised after you have rested and reflected in Reflective phase. It’s on. Time to start actualising those plans, dreams, wants and desires you’ve sorted through, time to get inspired and start doing, yeah!
(NOTE HERE: if you don’t let yourself refresh, let go of the previous cycle, rejuvenate and get in touch with your feminine and attend to her needs, dynamic phase and the whole flavour of the month ahead can be average and not its full potential of magic).
To do lists can be eaten for breakfast after your morning practice/workout, feeding the kids/animals, cleaning the house, doing the washing, buying groceries etc. AND THEN the rest of the day you can probably do everything else you planned in a manic energy fuelled rampage.
BUT it is important to maintain balance and have a plan.
I know I have burnt out in the past for having so many things to do, and doing them all at once neglecting myself and my life balance, scattering myself for the next few days and generally feeling unfulfilled.
It’s like you have superpowers in this phase. It really is, and in fact, you do. You have revitalised energy. Inspired after reconnecting and re-evaluating direction or sorting through whatever is was you needed to in Reflective. It’s now action time, resolution time, beginning a new project time or starting a new workout. Get shit done time.
Sometimes I can be doing so many things that I have reached the day with ‘empty satisfaction’. The feeling of ticking something off a to do list is amazing isn’t it? But I have found that if I am not present in everything that I do (particularly in this phase) there can bean underlying feeling of unfulfillment – sure I am doing stuff that I like, and it’s all going towards something, but it can feel like the spiritual part of me isn’t being satisfied. Being too focused on the outcome or the feeling of accomplishment alone misses the point entirely.
The key is presence (this goes for everything in general).
Something challenging I’ve experienced in Dynamic with renewed energy is a loss of the feeling of deep connection. There is almost a grief as the natural meditative and connection feeling slips away gracefully as you move out of Reflection. But any feelings of unfulfilllment, unhappiness, not enough etc. etc. come from a lack of presence in life, even in the mundane tasks of washing the dishes. Presence = fulfillment. Power of Now mofos.
Things that are great about Dynamic:
Renewed energy, to do list destroying, logical thinking, planning and structuring, more masculine driven achievement and goal setting, get shit done energy. ACTUALISATION!! (big one for me), physical stamina, good concentration and memory, super powers.
Things that can be challenging in Dynamic:
Being soft and flowy, letting go of the reflective depth, neglecting the feminine, burning out, empathy, life balance, creating the space to DO, working at another’s pace, abstract creativity and ideas, not having a plan – no plan, no action (feelings of frustration from undirected energy), being too in your head.
Go forth and enjoy the delights of your Dynamic super powers my friends!