I listened to a couple of amazing podcasts from an astrology conference today on Fertility and Astrology. And it seriously blew my socks off, it touched on what I know deep down to exist but hadn’t yet materialised and formulated yet.
First off, I want to start by saying a little about Astrology. I know a large number of people still think it’s alternative woo-woo, mumbo-jumbo and an abstract art rather than a science or a legitimate treatment for all types of matters, but that’s because we aren’t getting the whole picture. Astrology is so much more than just your sun sign, it’s been around for a long time and up until the 1600’s any license physician who was awarded a physician license was required to be a master Astrologer. There are some brilliant Astrologer’s today working their magic (literally) in fields that might make you go ‘What? For real?’. Like the medical industry. And fertility.
Did you know you can see an Astrologer to dive into fertility issues? Someone who can predict fertile cycles in your life, support IVF and sexuality issues that enhances western medical treatments. It’s so exciting to me that these streams are starting to make a breakthrough into mainstream medicine. An astrologer by the name of Nicola Smuts Allsop’s primary focus is ’to find a respectable home in mainstream medicine’. She primarily deals with fertility issues in men and women dove into some really interesting layers of sexuality, conception and health and well being.
She started out by first explaining that the type of astrology one practices and the nitty gritty details of how one reads charts ultimately doesn’t matter (there are many types of Astrology and house systems). It is what you do with astrology that matters, how you use it and it’s outcomes. That it can act as a placebo effect, as a ‘Narrative Medicine’, she calls it. And what she means by that, is it is a framework to understand the multiple, complicated layers we build and carry with us as humans, and that we can structure and use the system of astrology to create a story around those, that acts as medicine and enlightens us (or shines light on) aspects of our life for integration and healing. Amazing.
What I got from listening to her was that all of our psychological and emotional layers stack up within us – which I already knew, but the way she shed light on how this affected men and women’s fertility was CRYSTAL clear. And the many factors that could contribute to difficulty conceiving or being fertile can be navigated with Astrology and your natal planet placements.
She went into specifics around what happens to a woman’s egg when she has a particular astrological placement – and that this is the most common issue she comes across.
“I would say that Moon-Saturn placements are a very strong indicator across both charts, male and female. People carry with them the narrative or the story of not enough. They feel like themselves as people, psychologically, that they didn’t have enough love or nurturing in the way that they wanted to be loved or nurtured. They might feel like they don’t have enough money. They might feel like they don’t have enough time.
This feeling of not having enough can stigmatize in the physical body and manifest as low ovarian reserve. ‘My body is so concerned about not having enough that I’m not going to ovulate every month’. And they only have a few eggs. Carrying the story or the narrative of not enough makes people behave in an emotionally defensive way. When a woman is emotionally defensive, chances are her eggs are too. Which means that sometimes the boundaries (and as we know Saturn rules boundaries), the egg can develop a hard outer lining. In which case self fertilization or fertilization naturally is impossible. There might be ICSI with IVF where the sperm is physically introduced into the egg. This is just a way which, broadly, I look at this Moon-Saturn as actually quite a bit of a problem.
For women this is a difficult argument to argue against because it is extremely expensive. That’s how it can manifest on that side too. Also, very bad parenting. Some men feel ‘I just don’t want to repeat the mistakes of my parents and I feel like I might’. Other people might feel ‘I’ve been such a bad person that I don’t deserve a child’. With Moon-Saturn you often get women with terminations. I would say 7 out of 10 of my patients have all had terminations. And the majority have Moon-Saturn.”
She also went into specifics about what happens to a man’s sperm when he has a particular astrological placement, which is the most common issue she discovers when working with men, and how that might show up in life.
“The worst thing to have when it comes to fertility is morphology issues (which is the shape of a sperm – which means there could be something genetically incorrect), What’s really important about the morphology issue (which is often a Moon-Mars aspect in men), is that that’s an indicator of the shape of the sperm. There’s something wrong with the shape of the sperm. The thing about sperm is it’s got a little cap on the end and a tail. That cap has to pop off and it produces an enzyme. That enzyme softens the egg so that the sperm can come in.
What happens often is that when you have this Astrological signature, you have got emasculation issues to do with women. It could be that they are fine and possibly very normal, but their mother could have found them masturbating at the age of 14. The trouble is for mothers and sons is this is awkward and sometimes mothers don’t confront it. Sometimes the look on the mother’s face might indicate to the youngster that this is something disgusting and we won’t talk about it ever again. It’s kind of okay in the middle of a perfectly healthy sex life with their partners… The minute that the partner wants to become a mother she morphs into his mother and suddenly those emasculation issues are triggered. What’s really useful is that sperm, as you know, is reproduced fresh every 72 days, so if you can actually change somebody’s idea about those emasculation issues you can possibly change their physiology. It has happened in my practice a number of times. You can actually change the quality of the sperm and the morphology of the sperm. That huge paradigm shift can happen.”
This is fascinating to me that she can pull out these very intimate aspects of someones emotional and physical layering by looking at their charts with her well refined, professional wealth of knowledge. This is really exciting stuff! What some women go through trying to and conceive through the general medical industry, really only scratches the surface of what is possible when we dive into condition through a framework that is very much working.
If we don’t deal with what has effected us as children growing into adults and how and what emotions we store, of course it is going to effect our physiology. Also issues involving our sexuality (which let’s face it, many of us have because we are coming out of a phase of being shut down or sexually shamed or repressed). I’m so thrilled to have found someone who works at this level who is making her way very professionally into mainstream medicine.
She also touched on a few trends she has discovered in her 17 years of practice, one of which women are falling pregnant more frequently in their 40’s than in their 20’s.
“We live in a death denying society where we actually think we’re going to be young forever. We have tick boxes of lists of things that we think we ought to have done like, travel the world, have a starter marriage and then a real one. This is a phenomenon. We also think that we need X amount of money and we need X amount of lifestyle, and lifestyle is getting harder and harder to achieve for the obvious reasons, and so people are deferring children. They’re doing parenting differently.
1 in 6 couples struggle with infertility, regardless of their age. I’m talking about… I sometimes have people in their 30’s who are struggling with infertility and for me it’s now becoming the norm and it’s something that everybody should consider. I think every astrologer should have some kind of tool kit or something in their handbag that they can use when their client says, “so when do you think I’m going to get pregnant?” Because this is a very big, real life issue.”
If you want to find out more check out Nicola Smuts Allsop’s website: Fertility Astrology
Note: These concepts are understood and treated through other frameworks too, outside of regular western medicine (often referred to as ‘alternative therapies’ – which are fast becoming not so alternative). Traditional Chinese Medicine has an in-depth understanding of the subtle energies and elemental nature of the body, mind and soul. As do other Eastern and Tantric philosophies. If you are looking for a modality to help with fertility, you have to find what best fits for you. However, astrology provides a very specific personalised map into an individual and can be used as bridging language between modalities. Ultimately a combination and merging of all or some of the above would be key to open up the realm of deep healing and alignment.
nice article and thanking you