This is a really interesting article. Very thought provoking, got my blood pumping.
Do you not think intuition goes much deeper than compiled predictions created through processes of the mind?
I’m not sure intuition is as black and white as they make it out to be – just a bunch of cognitive processes. I think there are multiple levels of ‘intuition’ and even the label does not do it justice especially in context to this article.
I have been refining listening to my ‘intuition’ and its quite hard to explain, because it goes much deeper than language available to us. It is like an ‘inner voice’ that is not made of words or sounds but more made of feeling. It’s devoid of substance that I can make cognitive sense of, in an instant it is there, often-times so subtle I don’t even notice, until I am aware to listen inside, but it is not something that can be heard…
It is a connection to an infinite pool of knowledge that we all have access to. It is like a stream of light, but it is not light, it is not made of anything – but at the same time there is a fullness beyond comprehension. It is like an antiparticle in context to a particle. It is a knowing, without knowing what the knowing is. It is a feeling of expansion and propulsion towards and outwards, yet it is still and silent as the ages of all time. It comes from the heart, not the mind.
It is something that is just ‘in’ us, that we have to make way for, clear out the conditioning, the emotional attachments and quieten the mind to be able to pick up on.
As humans I think it is the only thing we can really trust. There is so much information out there that is contradictory, confusing, perception-based and biased. Scientific proof is awesome, I love science, but we are seeing that even science has a shelf life and is effected by the viewer/scientist itself. Things are constantly evolving, so who do we trust?
What are your thoughts on intuition? Where does it come from? Is it just a bunch of neuro-electrical transmissions, or does it go deeper than that for you?