I’ve been playing with the moon and the stars a lot lately. A few years ago I studied under celebrity astrologer Debra Silverman (who is an AMAZING astrologer BTW with bucket loads of personality, and my star mumma ❤️).
That was such a ride!
Since then I have been immersed and completely absorbed in the subject of Astrology, a re-emergence of something that was fascinating to me as a child.
I have a thing with cycles you see. In the later years of my life it started out by recognizing and understanding my own cycles, taking notes, seeing patterns and mapping my monthly cycle because I was so intrigued with periods of intense creativity and expansive awareness that would slowly fade away and then repeat again.
Once I reached the edges of my personal cyclic understanding I could feel other layers of cycles that effected my experience and changed my reality.
And so it was inevitable that I looked up to the sky and deep into ancient wisdom to connect to the larger cyclical bodies that shape our reality. Through this, my core belief that everything is connected has been ecstaticly realised.
It has been a whirlwind of embodying new concepts and feeling old ancient lifetimes of experiences align with my now. My self understanding has deepened million-fold and I have discovered I love seeing time from a distance, great cycles of time, what shapes our present, what has shaped our past and potentiality in the future. A tuning in to the unseen.
The moon has been a large influence as it so perfectly reflects all things felt, like a speaker plugged into the greater cosmos echoing knowledge down to us. And the connection to our cycles makes it obvious that the moon, planets and stars make an appearance in this body of work.
It is all connected and I’m merging my passion for above, below here within LYC.
The Cyclic Mystic has arrived with so many new creations coming soon that are magical, practical and so, so special to me.