After reading a shocking article (link here) that talks about the extraction of period blood so women don’t have to deal with it, I feel its time to FULLY INTEGRATE OUR PERIODS.
Menstrual Extraction is NOT about connecting to one’s body, its actually about denying a natural process in order to control due to a lack of understanding of your cycle. While I do believe we need greater agency over our reproductive health, the idea around this method actually promotes lack of self responsibility. Menstrual Extraction is a similar method to how pregnancy terminations are conducted, the energetic side effects of terminations cause enough issues, trauma and imbalances which require awareness to correct, but imagine the side effects of doing a form of this every month? I have to say, it’s a very bizarre way of bringing awareness to menstruation and female anatomy. Please don’t take this to the next generation of younger women…
Women are losing touch with the very fact that their periods are not just a physical process, they are ALSO a psychological and emotional process of LETTING GO and resetting, to name just a few. There is SO MUCH more to it than just getting rid of a bunch of blood, not to mention the problems this can cause to the uterus. Oh my god I don’t even want to imagine the shit this could cause… Paradoxically at the same time, we are becoming more aware of our cycles and power.
Periods help us clear the slate for the next cycle to come, they help us to let go of what is no longer serving us, they are very Plutonian in energy actually – death and rebirth, power and transformation – we don’t become mothers when we bleed but our wombs are born again as new vehicles. They help us to really drop into our wombs and our feeling bodies. We NEED to be in our feeling bodies to navigate through a confusing world, out of our heads, into our hearts and bodies and wombs. Not everyone finds it easy to do this, but our periods are what brings us BACK to US. There is blood because there needs to be, to remind us we are flesh and blood, that we are real living beings, that we are connected and that WE DIE. They are VITAL for our health and wellbeing on so many levels.
I am afraid as we move into more of a digital and technological advanced age we will lose touch with ourselves, with what is natural, with our blood. I believe that nature holds the key to all of our mysteries and issues and it’s necessary to tune into this now more than ever. If we no longer are connected to what is natural, all types of weird shit will be introduced and experimented with, and I really don’t think the level of awareness currently exists to handle that, without it being a case of trial and error for many, possibly effecting quality of life and even causing death in extreme cases. We can’t let that happen.
Periods are not an annoyance, or a set back, or an interruption or some other unfortunate thing. If you have a romantic weekend planned and you get your period, DEAL WITH IT, TELL YOUR PARTNER – THIS IS THE REAL DEAL, MATE. I BLEED OUT OF MY VAGINA. This doesn’t mean you have to be a free bleeding hippy (though there is nothing wrong with that if it is your choice). It’s about acceptance of what is. If you are going on a hike, take it easy, go slow or don’t bloody go! It’s YOUR responsibility, it’s up to you to communicate to those around you about your cycle. No one is a mind (uterus) reader, and it doesn’t have to be this hidden secret thing anymore!!! It is not a weakness, it is a strength. No more being a victim to the threads of shame that still exist around getting our periods and having a cycle.
Let it be natural, don’t suppress or hide it. OR BETTER STILL – understand your cycle and plan around it, you have a whole other 3 weeks to get your freak on, you just have to be more aware of it. Check out the website for the cyclic phases, get to know them, life flows so beautifully when your cycles are integrated and understood.
Some women often complain that men just don’t get it, this is why! You can’t expect anyone else to accept all of you if you are in denial of a part of yourself, or if you don’t understand your own cycle. This is what I mean by INTEGRATION.
Periods just haven’t been fully integrated into our current societal / life balance awareness. We create so many ways to get rid of them, to hush them, to shut them away, to shut ourselves away. There is STILL so much shame around bleeding. What happens to anything that is denied or shut away? It finds another way out (mostly unhealthy to us).
And if you still believe periods are an issue, perhaps it’s time to consider healthy integration of them for your own health and wellbeing and for the good of ALL WOMEN. That’s right, your understanding of what it means to bleed effects ALL of those around you and the collective awareness. Hopefully you are here reading this because you want to be more aligned with your body and want cycles to be fully integrated into our time, we are not in the 50’s anymore!
Periods are PART of us, if they are not fully integrated there is a disowning of something vitally part of us, of women. No wonder there are cancers and diseases of our bits, we are energetic beings, our thoughts, our awareness, our emotions and our physical and energetic bodies are so intricately connected. It’s not a bloody woo-woo concept anymore! It is real. ITS TIME TO UNDERSTAND THIS. IT’S TIME TO GROW UP. We are deeply connected to our cycles and they are a fundamental part of us. There is no more denying it.
The collective feminine is growing stronger, we have more POWER now than we have ever had before – which comes with more RESPONSIBILITY – in knowing and understanding our bodies, not just on a physical level. If we don’t integrate this knowledge – in our power – with full acceptance of what is natural to us as women, where the hell does that leave us as a collective?
This starts with you.
Ask yourself: “Do I fully accept my blood and my cycle?”. Observe your answers without judgement.
A share space is coming soon because this is a conversation that needs to be had and continues to be had with men and women.
The personal responsibility is on each and every one of us to fully integrate our periods and cycles.
Thank you for this. May we honor and respect our bodies as we would our mother, sister, and daughter ❤️
I loved this article. I have never used contraception and used my cycle to navigate many of the decisions I’ve made in life. I keep a journal of my menstrual cycle. I have recently switched to a menstrual cup and I am even more in tune with my cycle. I am able to predict my moods, eating habits and so much more. Menstrual extraction would be devastating to me. I have learned to look forward to my period. It is no inconvenience at all! I love my period!