Recently I have been asked by a few women leading sisterhood’s and women’s business groups/schools to participate as a teacher in the realm of cycles. This is exciting AND scary because I’m a bit of an introvert-artist type in real life and really like my space to do whatever I want when I feel like it, and the teaching realm is relatively new to me… But, I’m ready to stretch out of my comfort zone a bit and I’m bursting at the seems with so much knowledge and thought on this topic that I really can’t contain it any longer. So I kinda don’t have a choice, I can’t deny what has so synchronistically shown up. After all, I did ask for it.
So I’m morphing into the Cyclic Mystic, and will be making my debut as part of Biz Woo School of Strategy and Spirituality as a Resident Teacher which is the brainchild of Lexi D’Angelo – it’s kinda like a real life Hogwarts, more on that below.
But firstly, I’ll be presenting a free Masterclass with heeeaaaps of information on cycles! It’s an awkward as hell video because it was my first ever video, but it’s part of a series with a plethora of powerhouse women sharing their gifts and gold around business and woo woo aka strategy and spirituality.
To get ready for the opening of the school, myself and the other teachers have prepared a really special masterclass series (which I also get to watch, and I’m stoked about) because it’s jam packed with so much heartfelt knowledge and advice.
Tickets are free for a limited time only and there will be over 20+ value-packed trainings that you can attend in order to get a taste for what Biz Woo School is all about.
My masterclass training is called:
Understand and Access Your Innate Cyclic Wisdom
It will be an introduction to using the menstrual cycle as a natural compass to an aligned life. Drop in to your unique cyclic patterns and deep wisdom with tools to access the subtle layers within yourself to experience the larger scales in the universe!. Yep, the first awkward video I’ve made but the content is really awesome – at least I can say that!
All you have to do is go over to Biz Woo School and sign up for the value-packed masterclass series that goes live on February 25th (PST).
Biz Woo School is a collaborative school and sisterhood for women to come together in community over competition to clarify and deepen their unique craft. They strongly believe that when strategy and spirituality are blended together, potent magic takes place.
Because of this belief, the 30+ Resident Teachers inside of the school are thought leaders in either the Biz realm (sales, marketing, branding, social media, funnels, course creation, etc.) or the Woo realm (astrology, archetypes, rituals, tarot, chakras, moon cycles, etc.).
The “why” behind creating Biz Woo School was threefold
1 // Lexi desired to create a go-to space for female entrepreneurs of all experience levels to immerse themselves in biz and woo subjects so they could have a forever home to learn, grow, and connect.
2 // While she personally had a wealth of knowledge in both business and spiritual subjects, she knew it would be far more powerful to bring in top thought leaders to teach their zone of magic and co-create a collective wisdom for students to tap into. And let me tell you—the Teachers inside of this space are PURE MAGIC. It’s been so fun getting to know them and learning more about their skill sets and incredible wisdom.
3 // Because she knew that entrepreneurship could be a lonely and rocky road to embark on – but it absolutely didn’t have to be. Can you relate to that? I know I can! When I started to surround myself with like-minded women everything changed for me and the same was true for Lexi. She has a deep desire to share this powerful experience with others and create a sisterhood unlike any other.
If you desire to experience the magic inside of Biz Woo School, I would love to invite you to join us (with so much free content AND pdf downloads). Tickets to the Biz Woo Masterclass Series will be FREE for a limited time only. Head over here to reserve your spot or click the Admit One below.
I hope to see you there x