The LYC Community has been created!
This is a sacred space for those wanting to connect, discuss, learn from, share, ask questions, dive deeper into and help others with the journey through our cycles for more alignment, empowerment, knowledge and education.
Anything from the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical ebbs and flows of the menstrual cycle, to moon and planetary cycles and how they effect you, we are all here to learn, share and celebrate cycles and the wisdom that is found within them.
Head over HERE to join!
Feel free to share your stories, experiences and personal knowledge as well as resources and information that is cyclic based and that supports the growth and understanding of us as individuals and as collective.
This is a closed group for women AND men, and those that identify with either or neither. Now I know that may be a turnoff for some women but please read on, it’s important we do this.
The first LYC workshop ever held was actually to enlighten men to the mysteries of the menstrual cycle to have deeper understanding and connection to their partners. The shifts from these men and the feedback I got was astounding, it was so beautiful to share this knowledge to willing and open men wanting to go deeper into relationships and understand the women in their lives. I thought about this long and hard and it’t time that it is integrated, us being the womb wisdom holders to now be willing and open to share this with the men in our lives.
For far too long this information has been shrouded in secrecy and mystery I believe out of the fear of being taken advantage of, but now it’s time to throw that out of the window and carve a new path with trust that it can only bring us closer together.
If you are uncomfortable sharing vulnerably in a space where there may be men present (and I really don’t think there will be many, not many men have an deep interest in our menstrual cycles), then please inquire into why this comes up for you and give me private feedback if you feel you need to. I’d love to know what really holds us back from sharing all of our magic.
I want to create a space that is safe, open, comfortable and all inclusive. And I believe in my heart that we can do it!