Every now and then some cycles, as they come to an end and it’s time to go inward, I’m not so sure I will make it through the other side in one piece. Do you dive into your depths often?
The creative phase, while being very deep and creative, can be a huge journey within, deep into the shadow self and sometimes completely unexpected. It is a clear reflection of where I am at, whether I am aware of my situation or not. It is a time to FEEL into my life and what is going on for me. To re-assess my direction and filter through my own negative conditioning and patterns. It is usually sparked by a few thoughts and observations in the previous weeks, or something that hasn’t been cleared in previous cycles that is still hanging on and niggling away at me. It can be conditioning from childhood, a work/life situation or a recent pattern. But when it is time to face the darker emotions and negative thoughts that grip like claws pulling me down begging me to sink into the darkness, it’s GO HARD OR GO HOME.
Occasionally to make progress, it has to be like this. It’s not a monthly ritual to dive really deep. It takes a lot of energy to dance with your dark side, to really go there to the depths of your shadow self and take a really good clear look at who you are and what you are doing. To acknowledge the not so good parts, cracking them open and letting in the light of acknowledgment and acceptance in full gratitude, because there are always lessons in all of the shit.
This was something that I used to resist with all of my might, I used to find distractions – watch movies, busy myself, work, drink and party with friends. I used to think I was crazy. But now, I see my cycle as my very own life coach for personal evolution. A process for complete self responsibility for my life, my patterns, conditioning and my emotions. I now prepare myself if I feel the heaviness of needing to face something, or know what is going on if it unexpectedly takes hold so I don’t think i’m losing it. I take the time I need to create a safe nurturing space for me and let my loved ones know that I am going on a little adventure, sometimes to hell and back, but I’ll be fine.
Giving yourself the time and space and using your cycle to propel you into greatness is a blessing, even if you have to trudge through the shit. Every cycle brings a chance for evolution, new growth, gifts and knowledge. The highs and energy you gain after you come out the other side makes it all worth it. It is a chance to reinvent yourself, you are the only one in control of you, get imaginative and create your own reality. I always ask myself “Am I being the best version of me I can be at this time?”. Sometimes the answer is a big fat no, and that is ok.
If you would like help using your cycle to your advantage there are 5 sessions available from the 5th of Feb for one week only, get in touch x