It’s just as important sharing this info with the beautiful men in our lives so the ‘mysteries’ aren’t ‘women’s mysteries’ anymore. That is old and stale. This gives guys insights into themselves and their OWN CYCLES… Yes. Their own cycles. How do we expect them to be in their divine masculine when they are void of information?
Here’s some great basic info to start x
1. Ask questions, educate yourself, do your own research – women have a lot of experiential knowledge, learn about her cycle for deeper understanding and connection throughout the month.
2. Get to know her phases. There are 4 phases in a woman’s cycle, they are in order the Reflective (day 1-7), Dynamic (day 7-14), Expressive (day 14-21) and Creative phases (day 21-28), each one with their own benefits and heightened abilities! (Based on a typical 28 day cycle).
3. Day 1 of a woman’s cycle is the first day of her period (bleeding), it is also the beginning of the Reflective phase which means lots of thinking, low energy, and some grumpiness depending on how deep she goes from one phase to another. She may need some downtime, also nice time for soft gentleness and creature comforts.
4. Day 14 is ovulation time (the release of the egg!) Knowing when she is ovulating means more sexy time for you and awareness around becoming pregnant. This is the crossover between the Dynamic and Expressive phase. Also a great time to do fun physical things due to increased energy and when your woman is her sexiest (dancing could be fun!)
5. Around day 21 is where things can go a little up and down, it is the beginning of Creative phase and can be an emotional roller-coaster but also full of depth, creativity and inspiration. Depending on your gal she may need support or some space to be creative and emotional… Or both!
6. Chocolate, flowers and all things nice are always appreciated but know when they will have the most impact! Smooth move dude. (pssst! The Creative and definitely the Reflective phases are good times for this)
7. Be supportive and understanding. There is constant change throughout each woman’s monthly cycle sometimes making this a challenge for her (and you), be supportive, know where she is at and what you might expect to make relating more harmonious.
Women are interesting creatures and by diving deeper into their cycles with them will provide you with deep insights and reflections into yourself!